
Project maintained by newb23 Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham


Enable to pull targets when in range of them.


Enable to stop doing actions.

Smart Pull

Enable to only pull monsters after combat has started even with a target selected, unless you are a tank.


Enable to turn on Auto-Facing in Game, and to face monsters on skill use.


Enable to skip through dialog with NPCs.


Enable to get targets automatically according to selected Auto-Target logic.

Enable Overlay

Enable to use the overlay.

Output to Chatbox

Enable to output messages to /echo in the in-game chatbox.

Auto-Accept Quest

Enable to automatically accept quests from quest giving NPCs.

Mechanic Warnings

Enable to get in game messages about mechanics happening, and to stop actions/movement for certian debuffs (Pyretic for example).

Auto-Skip Cutscene

Enable to automatically skip cutscenes.

Auto-Commence Duty

Enable to Commence Duties automatically after the delay specified.

Notify if Duty is Ready

Enable to give an audio notification (Kefka’s Laugh) once a duty is ready to commence.

Max Distance to Get New Target (value%)

Input a maximum distance for ATB to scan for new targets.

Auto Commence Delay (value%)

Set a delay that ATB will wait before commencing a duty automatically. (if enabled)

TPS Adjust (Rises Above : Drops Below) (value%)

Ticks-Per-Second adjustment - Change to raise or lower the number of times RB is attempting to do an action per second. Lower this value if you have FPS issues/stuttering. There is no real need for anything higer than 30.

Auto-Target Selection (selection)

Select the logic for Auto-Targting to use.